When you are working on a view, you can expand it, in this way, you can see only one view in the NX graphics window. If you finish dimensioning the view and
You can change the NX modeling background color permanently but there is no setting for this in the "Customer Defaults". You can change the background color by
You can specify a rotation center when rotating a view in Siemens NX. To Specify a rotation center: Move the mouse cursor where you want to make a rotation
View borders are created automatically in NX drafting by the default settings. If you want, you can hide these borders around the views. To hide view border:
Rotating is one of the most important functions in Solidworks as other cad programs. You can rotate the working view through a linear object as edge, line, axis
The “Edit Appearance” command is used to change the body/model's color in the Solidworks. There are two different methods to activate this command. Context
You can reverse the zoom direction in Solidworks. (The zoom direction is the common problem of the designers who uses different cad programs at the same time
You can reduce the width of the model edges and contour lines of the smooth objects like cylinders, spheres in the NX 3D modeling graphics window. To reduce