You can extend sheet bodies on the selected edge of the sheet Face. It looks like the "Extrude" command but you extend only the edge of the sheet body on the
You can create a surface from the closed contour of a curve set or edges. The created surface can be modified by changing the method or the “Control Point
It creates surface through four points. Each point defines the corner of the created surface. You can use the existed points or specify the new points on the
The “Law Extension” command extends the curve or edge on the surface to create a sheet body. You can create different types of extensions by changing the rules
You can create a solid or surface body by a sweeping curve or closed contour through one or more guide curves. Sweeping closed contour creates a solid body.
You can create a sheet body through curves by using the “Through Curves” command. If the curves do not have closed contours, the created body will be a surface
You can trim sheet through a selected curve, surface, plane, etc.
To trim sheet:
Start the “Trim Sheet” command
(Surface Ribbon Bar => Surface Operations
You can create a surface from a set of curves or/and edges by filling the region inside the set of curves or/and edges. An only connected set of curves/edges