You can create a solid body on the intersected volume of the created solid bodies in the NX Modeling by using the “Intersect” command. To create solid bodies
In NX Drafting, the datum leader location is fixed on the selected object during the datum creation. You can move the datum leader outside of the selected
To activate command:
Curve Ribbon Bar => Derived Curve Group => Project Curve
Menu => Insert => Derived Curve => Project Curve
For Using “Project Curve”
You can create or edit curves by using curve functions in "Curve Ribbon Bar".
Groups in Curve Ribbon Bar:
Direct Sketch: draws curves by creating a sketch.
Creates spline through defined points. You can change positions of points or drag points while the command has been activated. You can create 3D splines
Draws a line between points in the model without creating any sketch. Also, you can draw lines by angle or vector by changing end options in the command
Activate “Bend” command.
Select a line or create a sketch to draw a line. (“Select Curve” highlighted when the command starts)
Arrange direction and side