You can pan a view without any changes in the view-looking direction in NX. You can use mouse functions or commands to pan a view in Siemens NX. Pan methods in
You can specify a rotation center when rotating a view in Siemens NX. To Specify a rotation center: Move the mouse cursor where you want to make a rotation
In the newer versions of the NX, You might have measuring problems during 3D model face or curve radius measuring. This problem occurs because of the settings
The Optimize Face command simplifies 3d model faces on the model. The unnecessary details on the surface can be deleted, merged, or improved by the “Optimize
In SolidWorks, editing features like Fillet and Chamfer modify solid body edges, while Draft and Shell adjust faces. Designers often apply these at the modeling
You can change part/components colors in the NX assembly. But when you open the part in a working part window or insert it in another assembly file, you can
The “Extruded Cut” command extrudes a sketch closed region to remove a part of a created solid body. Note: If the extrusion intersects with two bodies, you can