You can project curves onto the faces of solid bodies, surfaces, or planes in the Siemens NX Modeling. You can project curves along a vector or along a face
You can draw freehand curves on the nonplanar surfaces in Siemens NX modeling. The model face works as a sketch zone and the curves that you draw stick on the
You can create curves that lie on a surface in Siemens NX Modeling. These curves can be spline or straight. You can use the curve on the surface to divide faces
In NX modeling, You can create a helical spline curve through a vector/straight line or a splined curve. The created helical splines might have a constant or
You can create text in the 3D model in the Siemens NX Modeling application. Text can be created: on a plane at a specified point, direction, angle on a curve on
You can create splines by using existing points, or by creating new reference points in NX. There are two different studio spline-creating methods in Siemens
You can create Circles by using the “Arc/Circle” command in NX Modeling. If you want to create a circle change the setting in the dialog box as shown in the
You can create Arc by using the “Arc/Circle” command in the 3D model. To create Arc: Start the “Arc/Circle” command. (The command location on the “Curve Ribbon
You can create straight lines out of sketches in NX modeling. These lines can be created: between two points, between a point and tangent of a circular curve or
You can create a points pattern on a face in Siemens NX Modeling as shown in the figure. To create a point-set pattern on a Face: Start the “Point Set” command.