In Siemens NX sketch application, You can resize the text height. The figure below shows the settings to resize text height in NX Modeling.
To resize text
You can fix the text height in Siemens NX Modeling. Also by using this method, you can fix the dimension text heights in the sketch application.
To fix text
You can change the default sheet metal thickness in the NX Sheet Metal Application. The figure below shows the setting location in the "Customer Defaults".
The sketch visibility, not changes after the sketch is used in the extrude, revolve, etc… commands in modeling to create 3D solid bodies, models, or features.
You can change the mouse wheel zoom in/out direction in Siemens NX. The figure shows the location of the mouse wheel scrolling direction setting in the NX.
You can specify a file directory for the new NX files. The new NX files will be created in this folder automatically and saved in it. You can see the folder
Auto dimensions created automatically in NX, during curves created in the Sketch application.
These auto dimensions might cause performance problems in large
You can change the side of the “Resource bar” on the left or right side of the NX screen.
The Resource Bar includes:
Assembly Navigator
Constraint Navigator
Because there might be visibility problems because of reference set settings of the components in the assembly modeling. (Datums, curves, sketches in the