NX Release: 2206
Sketches are used to draw 2D curves on the specified plane created on flat surfaces or planes. Also, you can create a sketch on a path of curve or body edge. Closed contours in the sketches are used to create solid bodies by revolving, extruding, etc…
To create a sketch on a plane/planar surface:
- Start the “Sketch” command in the “Home Ribbon Bar”
- The “Sketch” command dialog box will open.
- Set the sketch creation method to “On Plane” on the first tab of the command dialog box.
- Select a plane or a planar face to create a sketch on it.
- The selected surface will highlight and the sketch origin will be seen in the graphics window. You can change its location by using the “Orientation” settings in the dialog box.
- Click the “Ok” button in the dialog box or click the middle mouse button to create a sketch.
- The “Ribbon Bar” will change and the sketch commands will be seen in the ribbon bar.

To create a sketch on a Path:
- Start the “Sketch” command.
- Set the sketch creation method to “On Path”
- Select a curve or edge to create a sketch on it.
- Specify the location and orientation of the sketch by using the settings in the “Sketch” command dialog box.
- Click “Ok” to create a sketch.

Note: “Origin Method” is hidden in the sketch command dialog box with the new NX version. You can relocate this setting in the “Sketch” command dialog box. I write a post for sketch origin problems in NX before. Click here to see the post about sketch origin problems.