You can convert and export technical drawings to pdf format in NX.
To create pdf files from the technical drawings:

- Start the “PDF” command.
(File => Export => PDF) - Select the drawing sheet to export from the “Source” tab in the dialog box.
- Select the folder to save the pdf file by clicking on the folder button in the “Destination” tab.
- Specify the export properties in the “Print Properties” tab. If you can not see this tab, click the drop-down arrow on the bottom of the dialog box.
- Click “Ok” in the command dialog box to export pdf.
Note 1: If you want to change colors as Black on white, change the “Color” settings in the “Print Properties” tab.
Note 2: You can specify the text format in the pdf as polylines or text. Change the “Output Text” setting in the “Settings” tab in the command dialog box.