You can create notes by using “Note” command in the “Drafting” application in the NX
To create Note:
- Activate Note command
- Type note in the “Text Input” tab
- Define location in the sheet
- Finish command

Tip 1: If you want to create a note with a leader
- Open “Leader” tab
- Click on “Select Terminating Object”. (This tab will be highlighted)
- Click on location in the sheet to define the arrowhead of the leader.
- If you want to create jogs on the leader line, select “Create with Jogs” and click on the sheet to define the position of the jog breaks.
Tip 2: To set text alignment and style
- Click the “Settings” tab in the dialog box to open.
- Click the box near “Text Alignment” and select your style from the list.
Tip 3: If you see a dashed line between text and center of the view that means text and view associated. The text will move when you move the view.
To break the link between text note and view:
- Right-click on the text
- Click on “Dissaccociate from View” from the opening list
To create a link between text note and view:
- Right-click on the text
- Click on “Associate to View” from the opening list
- (Also you can assign the note to a view by dragging note on the view. A dashed line will appear when you move text on the view)
Tip 4: You can associate two notes or a note and a dimension, by dragging note to another note or dimension. The associated location will change due to your approach direction.