It creates a new part from the existed part in the assembly. It is a very useful command to create new parts similar to the existed part in an assembly file.

To activate command:
- Click command on Assemblies Ribbon Bar => More => Component Group => Make Unique
- Click command on Menu =Assemblies => Components => Make Unique
- Right click on part (component will be highlighted) => Select “Make Unique” from opening commands list.

For using “Make Unique” command:
- Activate the “Make Unique” command.
- “Make Unique” command window will open.
- Select component to rename and create
- Click on “Name Unique Parts”. A new window will open to define part name and folder.
- Type Part name.
- Press “Enter” on the keyboard. It is important because “Ok” will not become active unless you press “Enter” on keyboard
- Click ”Ok” or the middle mouse button.
- The command window will appear again.
- Click ”Ok” or the middle mouse button.
- Save the assembly file after using this command. If you don’t save the assembly file, the Next opening Assembly file will go on to see the old file name. (Power loss or program failure might cause data loss)
- If the renamed part is in the sub-assemblies, it will be changed in all sub-assemblies.
- If you select more than one component, All components will be listed in the “Parts to Rename” list in save window. Accepted files will have an Ok sign near their name. (Look Figure)