You can create text in the 3D model in the Siemens NX Modeling application.
Text can be created:
- on a plane at a specified point, direction, angle
- on a curve
- on a surface
The “Text” used to write text in the NX Model
- Curve Ribbon Bar => Base Group => Text
- Menu => Insert => Curve => Tool

To create Text on a plane:
- Start the “Text” command
- Change the creation method to “Planar”
- Write text into the text box in the “Text Properties” tab.
- Specify a point in the graphics window.
- A preview of the text will be seen in the graphics window.
- You can change text position, direction, or angle by dragging handles in the graphics window.
- Adjust text length and height by changing the values in the Text frame => Dimensions tab of the dialog box. (Also you can drag handles in the graphics window)
- Click the “OK” button to create text.
To create Text on a curve:
- Start the “Text” command
- Change the creation method to “On Curve”
- Write text into the text box in the “Text Properties” tab.
- Select Curve in the graphics window.
- A preview of the text will be seen in the graphics window.
- If you want to change the text direction, click on the “Reverse Direction” icon in the graphics window or click twice on the direction arrow on the text
- You can change the position of the text on the curve by dragging the ball handle in the graphics window or by changing the value in the “% Parameter” in the “Text Frame” tab.
- Click the “OK” button to create text.
To create Text on a face:
- Start the “Text” command
- Change the creation method to “On Face”
- Write text into the text box in the “Text Properties” tab.
- Select Face on the 3D model.
- Select an edge or curve on the face
- A preview of the text will be seen in the graphics window.
- Adjust text settings. (height, location, etc…)
- Click the “OK” button to create text.