You can insert components into the NX Assembly file by using the “Add Component” command. You can add more than one component to the Assembly file in NX.
To activate the “Add Component” command:
Assemblies Ribbon Bar => Base Group => Components => Add Component
Menu => Assemblies => Components => Add Component

To add components to the assembly
- Start the “Add Component” command.
- The dialog box will open.
- Select components to add assembly. The “Select Part” bar is highlighted.
- The “Part to Place” group is used for inserting components to Assembly.
- Loaded Parts: The parts opened in the current NX session are listed here. You can use the “Search” box to find parts in the list.
- If you want to add any components to the assembly file from the computer’s hard disk, Click on the “Folder” icon.
- You can change the component quantity that will be added to the assembly. For this operation change the “Count” value.
- You can make multiple selections to add more than one component to the assembly file
- After selecting components, place the component into the assembly.
- Click the middle mouse button to activate the “Select Object” bar in the “Location” group. (The component preview will be seen in the graphics window near the mouse cursor.)
- To place the component into the assembly, click the left mouse button in the graphic window The “Placement” group will be activated
- You can change the placement method to “Move” or “Constrain” in the “Placement “ Group
- Click the middle mouse button twice or the “Ok” button in the dialog box to add a component to the assembly file and exit from the command.