Command / Function | Shortcut |
File-New | Ctrl+N |
File-Open | Ctrl+O |
File-Save | Ctrl+S |
File-Save As… | Ctrl+Shift+A |
File-Plot | Ctrl+P |
File-Execute-Grip | Ctrl+G |
File-Execute-Debug Grip… | Ctrl+Shift+G |
File-Execute-NX Open… | Ctrl+U |
File-Finish Sketch | Ctrl+Q |
File-Finish Sketch | Q |
Edit-Undo List-1 Change Displayed Part | Ctrl+Z |
Edit-Redo | Ctrl+Y |
Edit-Cut | Ctrl+X |
Edit-Copy | Ctrl+C |
Edit-Paste | Ctrl+V |
Edit-Delete | Ctrl+D |
Edit-Delete | Delete |
Edit-Selection-Top Selection Priority – Feature | Shift+F |
Edit-Selection-Top Selection Priority – Face | Shift+G |
Edit-Selection-Top Selection Priority – Body | Shift+B |
Edit-Selection-Top Selection Priority – Edge | Shift+E |
Edit-Selection-Top Selection Priority – Component | Shift+C |
Edit-Selection-Select All | Ctrl+A |
Edit-Object Display | Ctrl+J |
Edit-Show and Hide-Show and Hide | Ctrl+W |
Edit-Show and Hide-Immediate Hide | Ctrl+Shift+I |
Edit-Show and Hide-Hide | Ctrl+B |
Edit-Show and Hide-Show | Ctrl+Shift+K |
Edit-Show and Hide-Show All | Ctrl+Shift+U |
Edit-Show and Hide-Invert Shown and Hidden | Ctrl+Shift+B |
Edit-Move Object | Ctrl+T |
Edit-Sketch Curve-Quick Trim | T |
Edit-Sketch Curve-Quick Extend | E |
View-Operation-Fit | Ctrl+F |
View-Operation-Zoom | Ctrl+Shift+Z |
View-Operation-Rotate | Ctrl+R |
View-Section-Edit Section | Section |
View-Visualization-Ray Traced Studio | Traced |
View-Layout-New | Ctrl+Shift+N |
View-Layout-Open | Ctrl+Shift+O |
View-Layout-Fit All Views | Ctrl+Shift+F |
View-Information Window | Ctrl+Shift+S |
View-Current Dialog Box | F3 |
View-Move Clip Left | Shift+F1 |
View-Move Clip Right | Shift+F2 |
View-Full Screen | Alt+Enter |
View-Maximize Resource Bar Tab | F11 |
View-Orient View to Sketch | Shift+F8 |
View-Reset Orientation | Ctrl+F8 |
Insert-Sketch Curve-Profile… | Z |
Insert-Sketch Curve-Line… | L |
Insert-Sketch Curve-Arc… | A |
Insert-Sketch Curve-Circle… | O |
Insert-Sketch Curve-Fillet… | F |
Insert-Sketch Curve-Rectangle… | R |
Insert-Sketch Curve-Polygon… | P |
Insert-Sketch Curve-Studio Spline… | S |
Insert-Sketch Constraint-Dimension-Rapid… | D |
Insert-Sketch Constraint-Geometric Constraints… | C |
Insert-Design Feature-Extrude… | X |
Insert-Surface-Four Point Surface… | Ctrl+4 |
Insert-Mesh Surface-Studio Surface… | N |
Insert-Sweep-Variational Sweep… | V |
Format-Layer Settings… | Ctrl+L |
Format-WCS-Display | W |
Tools-Expressions | Ctrl+E |
Tools-Update-Make First Feature Current | Ctrl+Shift+Home |
Tools-Update-Make Previous Feature Current | Ctrl+Shift+Left |
Tools-Update-Make Next Feature Current | Ctrl+Shift+Right |
Tools-Update-Make Last Feature Current | Ctrl+Shift+End |
Tools-Journal-Play | Alt+F8 |
Tools-Journal-Edit | Alt+F11 |
Tools-Macro-Start Record… | Ctrl+Shift+R |
Tools-Macro-Playback | Ctrl+Shift+P |
Tools-Movie-Record | Alt+F5 |
Tools-Movie-Pause | Alt+F6 |
Tools-Movie-Stop | Alt+F7 |
Tools-Customize | Ctrl+1 |
Tools-Repeat Command-1 Customize | F4 |
Information-Object | Ctrl+I |
Analysis-Curve-Refresh Curvature Graphs | Ctrl+Shift+C |
Preferences-User Interface… | Ctrl+2 |
Preferences-Visualization | Ctrl+Shift+V |
Preferences-Selection | Ctrl+Shift+T |
Preferences-Object | Ctrl+Shift+J |
Application-Modeling | Ctrl+M |
Application-Modeling | M |
Application-Shape Studio | Ctrl+Alt+S |
Application-Drafting | Ctrl+Shift+D |
Application-Manufacturing | Ctrl+Alt+M |
Application-Inspection | Ctrl+Alt+I |
Application-Motion | Ctrl+Alt+K |
Application-Sheet Metal | Ctrl+Shift+M |
Application-PCB Design-Flexible Printed Circuit Design | Ctrl+Alt+P |
Help-On Context | F1 |
Finish Sketch | Ctrl+Q |
Finish Sketch | Q |
Orient View to Sketch | Shift+F8 |
Refresh | F5 |
Zoom | F6 |
Rotate | F7 |
Orient View-Trimetric | Home |
Orient View-Isometric | End |
Orient View-Top | Ctrl+Alt+T |
Orient View-Front | Ctrl+Alt+F |
Orient View-Right | Ctrl+Alt+R |
Orient View-Left | Ctrl+Alt+L |
Snap View | F8 |
Set Rotation Reference | Ctrl+F2 |
Clear Rotation Reference | Ctrl+F3 |
Paste | Ctrl+V |
Repeat Command-1 Customize | F4 |