Ads flange on an edge and create a bend between two walls. The flange can only be made on a straight edge.
To activate command
- Click the command on (When sheet metal application activated.) “ Home => Bend Group => Flange”
- Activate command from “Menu => Insert => Bend => Flange”
For creating flange:
- Activate “Flange” command
- Select edge when “Select Edge” highlighted in the “Base Edge” Tab. (It will be automatically activated after flange command activated.)
- Select the edge to create a flange
- If you want to change the sketch section, click on “Edit Sketch” Box in “Section” tab
- Define flange properties in the “Flange Properties tab. “Angle” and “Inset” is important in this tab.
- Angle: defines bend angle. You can type angle or drag angle cursor on the screen.
- Inset: defines the material side.

- If you want to change the flange distance from the edge, change offset value. You can change the distance of the flange from the edge by typing value or by dragging arrowhead on edge.
- To change bend radius click on an equal sign (=) on right side of the “Bend Radius” in Bend Parameters Tab” and select “Use Local Value”
- Click MMB (middle mouse button) or “Ok” to finish.